John Neral - Sometimes Franchising is Not Right, a Job is Better

Sometimes a Franchise business is just not right and a job may suit you better. John Neral helps mid-career professionals prepare, position, and promote who they are and what they do so they can SHOW UP to find a job they love or love the job they have. John's professional walk included a 25-year career in education and a longstanding corporate consultant for Fortune 500 giant, Casio America, Inc. John is the author of SHOW UP – Six Strategies to Lead a More Energetic and Impactful Career and Your Mid-Career GPS – Four Steps to Figuring Out What's Next and the host of "The Mid-Career GPS Podcast." 

John is a professional bowler and has won a title on the PBA Regional Tour and still actively competes. He lives outside of Washington, D.C. with his spouse and their rescue cat, “Amy Farrah Meowler” as a nod to their love of the television show, "The Big Bang Theory."